Sunday, January 24, 2010

How far does a dog chase a rabbit into the woods?

half way, lol.How far does a dog chase a rabbit into the woods?
Until he loses sight or smell of it, or until he catches itHow far does a dog chase a rabbit into the woods?
couldn't be too far, always heard: ';...and if the dog hadn't

stopped to take a s***, he would have caught the rabbit';
does your dog chase it's tail ? --- for therein lies the answer .good luck
half way

after that, he's chasing it out of the woods
til he loses him.
usually a rabbit will not run in a straight line but circle. So your dog will run till out of earshot and then generally circle back around after the rabbit. This is most cases but then you might have the occasional young rabbit that just keeps on running . Get your dog trained to come back to a certain whistle.
Till the dog catches the rabbit.
Until it catches it or the owner calls it (if the dog is well mannered).
till they catch it or loose track of it then maybe ,if you were good to this dog it will come home.
til the dog looses of catches him
twenty yards
I run rabbits with our Beagles all the time, and it is not uncommon to lose track of one if it starts 'trash running';. When this happens all I do is set a dog crate on the ground and go home. After about 50 years of doing this it has still never failed that the dog would be sleeping in the crate the next morning.
Only half way then he would chasing it out!
til he loses him or hes bored

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