Friday, January 22, 2010

Difference between cat litter and rabbit litter?

Is there any reason why I cant use cat little in a rabbits cage?Difference between cat litter and rabbit litter?
The cat litter is just more asorbant so i don't see why u can't. It is basically the same thing so i say try it and see how it works =DDifference between cat litter and rabbit litter?
You can use wood pelleted cat litter as this is very absorbent/clumps, does not contain anything harmful is dust free and harmless to rabbits. The wood is more of a dust and will not harm if accidentally swallowed although i find none of my rabbits (and i have many) do not eat it.

Granulated cat litter contains harmful ingredients to stop the urine smell and is more likely to cause a blockage if eaten as it is clay based. Also some are very dusty and bad for the rabbits respiratory system.

Recycled litter pellets like smart cat are ok as long as the rabbit does not eat it as it is recycled newspaper that contains lead based inks which will be harmful if swallowed.
Yes, there is a reason...rabbits might ingest the litter, which can form a mass in their stomach. They can get very sick or even die.

If money is an issue, many people use kiln-dried wood stove pellets, which are a few dollars for a 40lb bag. Wood shavings are a bad idea, though. They contain oils which can be harmful to the bun's kidneys.

We actually use newspapers with hay on top in our bunny's litter box. It saves money and puts our old newspapers to good use.
Like litter box litter? They can use some kinds of cat litter, as long as it's paper-based like Yesterday's News. Clay litters have dust that is harmful for their lungs, plus most rabbits will end up eating some of their litter and the clay stuff is horrible for them if ingested.
cat litter is more absorbent. Rabbit litter is not! Cat litter rabbits would think to eat! Rabbit litter the cat would just soak it! Not a good idea! Maybe just put saw dust in the rabbits tolite! That is what ii do and it works fine!

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