Friday, May 14, 2010

How did a rabbit (Peter Cottontail) become associated with the Easter Holiday?

Easter is a springtime holiday that celebrates resurection, that is the re- rising of something ';dead';. Fertility, rebirth, and new growth are all associated with the spring.The easter bunny is a manifestation of what happens when two beleif systems,Paganism and Christianity (as well as consumer culture)collide. Rabbits are strongly associated with fertility so the easter character required by a consumer culture has been cast as a rabbit who goes around delivering eggs( fertility symbols again)How did a rabbit (Peter Cottontail) become associated with the Easter Holiday?
Peter Cottontail was killed and eaten on Easter Sunday by Ole Mac Donald and his family. If that's not the tradition i vote that we make it.How did a rabbit (Peter Cottontail) become associated with the Easter Holiday?
marketing idea of profitability in merchandising
i think the first animal JESUS saw when arose from the tomb was a rabbit so we have an Easter bunny henceforth peter cottontail
Easter is a time of rebirth and Jesus' ';rebirth'; or resurrection. Rabbits represent rebirth because of their reproduction rate especially in the spring.
Some non Christian, Group of Non Christians or Current US President created a great plot to commercialize Christian holidays and bring Christianity to is demise. Just think rabbits and eggs on Easter for Jesus rising from the dead, Santa Clause on Christmas for the birth of Jesus, and what about St. Patrick's day? They took a good Christian Saint and turned him into a reason to drink Beer and eat corn-beef cabbage. I rest my case.

I say it was Terrorist and/or George W. Bush one or the other gets blamed for everything now days anyway so what is one more thing. If you talk to some people they are one in the same.

Although all the things we blame GW for could be a terrorist plot designed by Osama Bin Laden.
Easter was a pagan ritual to worship the Goddess Diana. She was the Goddess of fertility. The pagans did sex acts as worship to her. Thus, multiplying animals like chicks and rabbits are the modern day version of that.
Because when the Christians were trying replace pegan holidays with christian ones and they got mingled together. Easter replaced a pegan holiday celebrating spring and new life. since rabbits have a lot of babies quite often they were a symbol of new life the same for eggs. though I suppose as a christian you could make the same correlation. Jesus start a new life in heaven. and a new begging for humans. But alot of christian holidays coincide with old pegan holidays. Even Christmas was placed on December 25 to take the place of a pegan celebration, moth theologian scholars agree that Jesus would have been born in the summer months. pretty interesting huh? It sometimes makes me question my beliefs. Oh well that a different question. Hope this helped. PEACE OUT!!

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