Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is a good spending limit on a rabbit cage and exercise cage?

Im getting a rabbit and I want to know what would be a good spending limit on oneWhat is a good spending limit on a rabbit cage and exercise cage?
I can';t believe someone with 3 years animal rescue experience tells you to get a small cage like that. Get the biggest cage you can afford. At least twice the size of what Jennifer R recommands. You want your bunny to be able to move around in there. The cage can never be to big. There is no spending limit...What is a good spending limit on a rabbit cage and exercise cage?
I agree get the largest cage you can!!!!!! I have an outside living area for my buns which is about an 8x8. I live in apartments and i wanted to make sure they were safe, so now they live inside in the living room. That area is about 8x6 and it is enclosed with those ex pens and it is really tall. Inside they have an igloo, a cardboard castle (which i bought online %26amp; which they love), 2 large cat litter boxes with carefresh and newspaper on the bottom w/ lots of fresh hay, and many cardboard toys for them to chew %26amp; play... i have a few baby key rings and a cat toy stand for them to play.

I let them out in the mornig for an hour and in the evening for a couple hours. As soon as i can get my own place with a yard they will be indoors and outdoors...

Lots of luck..

i couldnt bare to put them in a cage all day while i was gone.. yes i am a sucker...

this is the first time i own bunnies and i treat them better then the doggys and kittys i use to have.... They Need us!!
A great cage for a rabbit is a wire dog kennel, like this one鈥?/a>

It should be big enough for the rabbit to completely lie down in without touching the sides and high enough for it to stand up in without the top of it's ears touching the top of the cage.

New they are about $80-$120.00. You can find them used for less than half that.

Aspen bedding is cheap and works great

Water bottle, brush, food dishes, litter box, hiding spot, can be purchased for $20-$50.00 depending on how fancy you want them to be.

If you purchase hay from a local farmer you can get it for about $5.00 a bale and it will last forever.

A lot of house hold items, like used phone books make great toys.

The rabbit it's self you can expect to spend $20-$50 for unaltered, or $80-$120 for a neutered one. I recomend having a neutered rabbit. They have fewer behavior problems and are easier to litter box train. A vet check is $24-$60 depending on your area.

If you can get a used cage, I would budget about $300.00 total for the rabbit, vet check, cage, food, and all supplies. I wouldn't spend more than $500.00 at the most. is a great resource for supplies and info.

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