Friday, January 22, 2010

How do I litter train my rabbit?

she is about 1yrs old and I want yo litter train her so eventually maybe she can roam in my house or room. :D okay thanx!!!!!!!

-Qbanchik56How do I litter train my rabbit?
When she is in the area you wish to keep her in take notice of where she wants to eliminate. She will not use the tray if you put it somewhere she does not want to go. She will only go where she wants to and this is where you want the tray. Make sure the tray has high enough sides as a rabbit will back up to the edge of the tray and if it is too low they will pee over the side. I have 9 rabbits and they all use a tray and it was simply a matter of putting it in the right place. They will nearly always pee in the tray but will often poop somewhere out of the tray so you will still have to keep an eye out for this.

Incidentally for chef_kur, I made my comment but seriously was not the source of a report. Maybe someone elso took further exception to your comments but it was not I. Sorry. Thanks for the thumbs down on the questions anyway.

P.S. Have heard the one about the bear and the rabbit anywayHow do I litter train my rabbit?
the best way to litter train a rabbit

is to make it look inviting so they actually want to go in there

out some of her favourite food or hay in their

and keep putting her in there every 10 mins

so she gets the idea

and also if she pees on you floor/couch ect.

just put her in the litter box.

make sure you dont yell at her when you putting her in there

or she will think of it has her naughty place or like a prison

and she wont want to go in there!

hope this helped :)

remember it takes time so dont expect it to happen

in the 2st week!

my mini lop is now trained after 3 weeks
Get four litter boxes and put one in each corner of her cage. The corner she uses the most, keep that litter box there. You can use the other ones for when she is running around.
Littertraining info:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Well, as long as her litter is out she will go in it. I had a rabbit however I only let her out here and there and watched her carefully. They chew cords etc...

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